Articles to help understand and heal emotional eating

The Solution to Eating out of Loneliness? Connection!

You might think of emotional eating as something that comes up for you when you have strong feelings like anger, stress, or sadness. These are emotions that are usually easy to identify by your inner dialogue or your outward reactions like tears or yelling. But emotional eating can sneak in with all kinds of feelings.

Ones you may not have thought about is eating when you’re bored or lonely. These reasons for overeating can be challenging to identify because we often do them without any sense of awareness. You’re not feeling overly emotional and yet you find yourself walking the same route to the fridge or pantry thinking it is simply routine.

When you’re bored or lonely, food as a solution to missing a connection makes sense. Your favorite treats feel comforting, plus they are easily available—it never lets you down or doesn’t show up (like you might be feeling about people).

The first thing to do is to find out what kind of connection you’re...

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Client Insight: “I needed a plan to support myself for how I felt after a therapy session.”

If you are on your therapy journey—in one-on-one sessions, online courses like First Step, or other—we applaud you! It takes a lot of courage to open up and decide to actively work on yourself.

You might be finding that after a session you don’t feel 100%. You may walk away feeling sad, angry, exhausted or anything in between. And we want to reassure you that that is completely normal. It can be emotionally and physically draining to be vulnerable when looking at your behaviours and digging into your past trauma—some even call this feeling “a therapy hangover.”

Here’s how to not let these after appointment feelings stop you from doing this important work. Many clients have shared that there are specific things they do to give themselves comfort.

  1. Book your appointment or time for your online course at the end of your work day. This means you don’t have to shift back into a work headspace immediately after, putting back on a...
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Reading as a Form of Self-Care (with book recommendations!)

Today’s blog is a guest post from Marisa over at Le Salon Literary Discussions. She runs a bookish business that offers reading recommendations, monthly online book discussions, and more!

Reading can be such a great way to relax. It can also be educational and help you learn new ideas and see yourself in new ways, which can be invigorating! No matter which you choose, both of these can support a sense of self-care. 

I know it can be challenging to find time to read these days between work, life, TV, and scrolling. If you need a few tips on how to make some time to pick up your book or e-reader, I’ve got some advice that might help. My biggest tip is to make sure you are enjoying what you are readingand that will look different for everyone. From romance to graphic novels, thrilling mysteries to classic novels. Here are some book recommendations to get you started.

Non-fiction books to support your body and mind:

  • Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About...
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4 Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Mental Health

Have you ever noticed that when you wipe down the kitchen you immediately feel a sense of calm? Or maybe you love to light a candle during the cold, dark winter months. These are great examples of how small alterations to your environment can boost your mood in seconds. And we recommend finding more ways to add these things to your every day! It is a great way to tailor your environment, stack the deck if you will, to bring more joy and relaxation into your daily life.

You might think: “I don’t have the budget to upgrade my house!” While of course we’d all love to decorate or renovate our homes to fit our ideal dreams, you don’t have to go all out (and drop a lot of money) to see mental health benefits. You can try:

  1. Sparkle and shine. Let’s face it: cleaning the entire house feels overwhelming! Instead, shift your focus and make it your goal to clean only one room in your house. We suggest choosing the one you spend the most time in, so you get...
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Client Insight: “It was scary, but I’m glad I stopped counting calories.”

The following blog posts talks about calorie counting in some detail. If this is something that might bring up negative feelings for you, please skip this post to protect your mental and physical health.

After eating emotionally you might be thinking you need to do a complete 180 and get really strict about what and how you’re going to eat next. A common way to feel in control of your eating is to count your calories. It’s become so easy these days as the diet industry has created apps that are always in the palm of our hands and can even scan labels!

Often clients will be able to white knuckle their way through a few days of eating low calorie only to find themselves binge eating at the first sign of stress, alone time, or even faced with a dinner they can’t ‘log’. And it can feel like being right back where you started after the initial overeating episode.

Very often it feels scary to let go of counting calories, but doing so can bring you back...

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3 Good Things That Can Come from a Binge

Binge eating feels all encompassing. You feel helpless to stop what and how much you are going to eat, and chances are you are doing it in the moments where you are alone. Here are three signs you may have missed during a binge and how to feel better prepared the next time this urge comes up for you:

  1. That moment when you decide to give into a binge, even when you know it won’t make you feel good in the long run, is actually a good sign. Even if you continue with the binge, you’ve made a mental note that there is an ‘after’ to the binge. We are absolutely not applauding the guilt and shame that comes post-binge but knowing that you are going to get through the binge is the beginning to being able to think beyond it—showing you’re not so afraid of what life might send your way next!
    • What do to next: tell yourself, out loud even, that “I am going to get through this.” Speaking to yourself in this way creates a kind of pep talk that can...
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Not All Emotional Eaters are Overweight

When TV shows and media show us what an emotional eater looks like, it is usually someone who would be categorized as obese by the BMI chart. Their rolls and double chin are highlighted to create a character that seems lazy or is the punchline in a few jokes. Not only is this incredibly harmful messaging to those in bigger bodies, it also isn’t indicative of the experience of all emotional eaters.

But there is no one body type for emotional eaters, it can affect anyone.

They could identify as male or female.

They could be a preteen or a person in their 50s.

They could be from any cultural background.

They could reach for savoury or sweet foods when an emotion comes up.

What they do all have in common is that is that they eat to sooth themselves. When a feeling comes up that they can’t manage or don’t want to feel, they reach for food as a distraction, to numb out, even to bring some control or joy to the moment.

While from a caloric perspective, it is true that...

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What to do When You’re Feeling Lonely During the Holidays

The holiday season often feels like it is an emotional minefield. It can bring up memories of our childhood or longer hours at work. It can exacerbate anxiety with the increase in social situations or kick perfectionist into high gear when we decorate, plan, and host.

But one of the most painful emotions to come up during the holidays can be loneliness.  We’re reminded of family we’ve cut ties with or loved ones who have passed away. Maybe even friends you once would have celebrated with are no longer close by. And it isn’t always a physical distance, sometimes we may feel like we’re not relating to our community as they manage their own holiday stressors and expectations. For a season that is about connecting with others, it can really hit home that our family and friends’ groups have gotten smaller or busier.

While feeling lonely during the holidays might not be entirely avoided, there are ways to plan and manage it, so it feels less like a...

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5 Powerful Tips for Dressing During the Holidays

As the holiday season gets closer, it seems like invites for family, friend, and work events are rolling in non-stop. And dressing for an event can sometimes feel like putting on the armour before a battle. You consider the weather, if you’ll sweat through a fabric, if your jeans are fresh from the dryer and need to be stretch back out. You might always find yourself reaching for the same clothing items: black and drapey.

But we’re here to encourage you to use your clothing as a way to get a confidence boost! Here are five insightful tips to help you find clothes you love and feel your best in:

Be you, boo! First things first, find out what your personal style is without thinking about how something might look on your body (all black clothing “because it’s slimming” isn’t an option here). Are you called to soft yellows and greys, or do you love a splash of fuchsia against classic navy? While brand websites might feature only thin models, this is...

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