Articles to help understand and heal emotional eating

Not All Emotional Eaters are Overweight

When TV shows and media show us what an emotional eater looks like, it is usually someone who would be categorized as obese by the BMI chart. Their rolls and double chin are highlighted to create a character that seems lazy or is the punchline in a few jokes. Not only is this incredibly harmful messaging to those in bigger bodies, it also isn’t indicative of the experience of all emotional eaters.

But there is no one body type for emotional eaters, it can affect anyone.

They could identify as male or female.

They could be a preteen or a person in their 50s.

They could be from any cultural background.

They could reach for savoury or sweet foods when an emotion comes up.

What they do all have in common is that is that they eat to sooth themselves. When a feeling comes up that they can’t manage or don’t want to feel, they reach for food as a distraction, to numb out, even to bring some control or joy to the moment.

While from a caloric perspective, it is true that...

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How to Manage Your Anxiety About Eating in Front of Others

As an emotional eater, chances are there is a part (maybe a big part) of you that dreads eating with others. From family dinners to nights out with friends, to team building events at work, there is just too much opportunity to have our weight and eating habits criticized.

Food shaming is a common minefield when at a gathering that revolves around food. It can start on the inside; our thoughts swirl and we chastise ourselves over what we eat and drink in front of others. As a way to protect ourselves, our mind starts churning out warning thoughts and plans:

“Someone is going to look at me, look at my plate, and tell me that’s why I’m fat.”

“I’m so uncomfortable in my body, everyone is looking at me.”

“I am going to be perfect and only order a salad.”

“Will I fit in the chair at the restaurant?”

Sound familiar? Its likely that whatever thoughts come up from you, they stem from the idea that you will be judged by others...

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Perfect Eating and Perfect Health?

Let’s talk about the messaging about food we absorb. While the concept is simple—what we hear and how it affects us—breaking down where we get these messages from, and if we should listen to them, is a bit more complicated.

There’s what your parents taught you. This might sound like “finish your plate”, “no dessert until you eat your vegetables”, “don’t be such a couch potato.”

There’s what the diet and food industries are repeating. “Lose 50 lbs in a month”, “workout only 20 minutes to blast fat”, “you too can have a celebrity body!” They’ll have us believe that bread is terrible for us, but a lab-made protein powder is the answer to our weight loss visions.

These two examples may be ones you’ve come to be more aware of as you’ve gotten older, read more, or even worked with a therapist on. But one area you may not know you’re getting messaging about is...

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5 Tips If You Dread Going to the Doctor

Going in to see your doctor might be something that fills you with dread. While you may be all-too familiar with this feeling, there is a name for what you might be experiencing when you step into a clinic: weight bias.

This is defined as negative views, usually based on serotypes or misconceptions, towards people who are overweight or obese.

Everyday people who are overweight face discrimination, from the size of seats on a plane to critical looks and comments from others. There are prominent beliefs that plus size or obese individuals are somehow lesser than, aren’t considered beautiful, and should be blamed (and shamed) for the size of their waistline. This bias also exists in healthcare. 

While there have been strides made in providing training to nurses and doctors that provide primary care, it can still be daunting to go to the doctor for something that *seems* simple like an annual checkup. Here are five things to keep in mind that might help you feel empowered...

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Find Out What Foods Make You Feel Satisfied!

Some foods we reach for when we’re tired Some foods we reach for when we’re upset Some foods we reach for because we have labelled them “good”

But have you ever stopped to think about what foods you enjoy? Having food satisfaction at every meal—you read that right!—can lead to fewer cravings and the desire to overeat. 

Food satisfaction means two things: that you physically respond positively to the food (it makes you feel full, gives you energy) and you also have a psychological enjoyment of what you ate (it’s tasty, “hits the spot”).

You may be wondering: how do I find out what I really like to eat? Believe it or not, this is a very common question. We are constantly told what foods we should and shouldn’t eat. If you’ve been around the diet block, chances are you’ve cut out whole food groups like carbs or fat or sugar at one point or another. Getting rid of this diet conditioning may seem impossible,...

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What Emotional Eating Gives You Part 2!

We recently did a post about what emotional eating gives you. In this second part, we’ll take a look at what else you can do to give yourself the feelings you crave when reaching for your favourite foods.

But first, we want to remind you that there is no such thing as perfect. Of course, supporting your mental health is an important way to lessen the desire to eat emotionally, but we will also be the first to tell you that food will always provide comfort. Experiences will come up in your life that make you feel upset, and that is normal and ok! We wouldn’t know how happy we could be without knowing how sad or frustrated or angry we can also be. As humans we are built to experience the full range of emotions.

Of course, there are tools and strategies to help you feel more comfortable around food and strong emotions, but expecting perfection—that you’ll NEVER eat emotionally again—just isn’t true (that totally goes for us too!). Showing yourself...

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Client Insight: “I wish I had known that about therapy”

Today we’re sharing three common comments we hear from clients. Often, after we’ve been working with a client for a while, we begin to hear that being in therapy has proved positive in surprising ways!


1. I wish I had started taking care of my mental health sooner.

It is so easy to distract yourself from what you are really feeling—with work, your family, with food. Often it takes a big moment or event that is a tipping point for people to finally invest in supporting their mental health. It is scary to ask for help or admit that you’re not doing ok! While many wish they had started opening up sooner, you have to decide if you are ready to dig deep and start to make changes. Remember: support for your mental health doesn’t have to be formal in-person therapy; even taking small steps to support your mental health will be beneficial. You can start by setting boundaries with others, getting out for a walk regularly, or even just reading in the...

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Cut Out the Diet Talk from Your Relationships

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • You’re out to dinner with a group of friends and you all decide to ‘splurge’, only to spend time talking to each other about how you’ll make up for it tomorrow.
  • Other parents are talking about how much wine they drink once their kids have gone to bed, and you feel the pressure to do the same to relate.
  • You and your spouse are both complaining about how you both have no willpower to work out; thinking that if you plan to work out together, you’ll both get it done.
  • You make a pact with a friend to both start a new diet in the countdown to a big event, swearing you’ll keep each other on track.

It has become a big part of our social interactions to commiserate with others about dieting, indulging, and what we should be doing in the name of ‘health’. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like sharing stories about failing on our strict diets is the only way we’re relating to one another?...

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Give your Emotional Eating a Name!


No, we don’t mean calling your emotional eating Bill or Angela (although if you think that might be helpful—go for it!), we suggest trying to name the emotion you’re feeling while reaching for food. Emotional eating is trying to satisfy a feeling with food that may make you feel good for a moment. Maybe that’s chips for you or maybe your sweet tooth calls for chocolate bars, no matter: when you find yourself reaching for these try and check in with naming what you are feeling.

You may start off by thinking “Am I angry? Or am I feeling sad?”. But these well-known emotions aren’t just the only ones you might come up with, emotions can be linked to each other and there can be a few layers. Other ones to think about that may be less obvious:

  • If you’re angry, maybe you’re also feeling irritable or frustrated or jealous.
  • If you’re sad, it could be that you’re feeling lonely or grieving or not good enough.
  • If...
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What Is Emotional Eating?

What is Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating is a reaction so subconsciously embedded most of us don’t even know we’re doing it. Rather than satisfying true physical hunger, emotional eating is an attempt to satisfy some emotional need. Unfortunately, emotional hunger can't be filled with food and more often than not will make you feel worse. When you eat as a result of an emotional trigger, as opposed to physical hunger, you will notice you can continue eating. Your stomach becomes a bottomless pit. Food will never fill the emotional deficit you are experiencing.

Although eating may feel good and provide comfort at the moment, the feelings that triggered the eating are still there. And not only does the original emotional problem remain, but you also feel guilty and beat yourself up for not having the willpower to prevent it. You then need to eat more food to cope with the guilt and self-blame, and eventually, you get stuck in the Cycle of Emotional Eating.


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