Client Insight: “It was scary, but I’m glad I stopped counting calories.”

The following blog posts talks about calorie counting in some detail. If this is something that might bring up negative feelings for you, please skip this post to protect your mental and physical health. 💛

After eating emotionally you might be thinking you need to do a complete 180 and get really strict about what and how you’re going to eat next. A common way to feel in control of your eating is to count your calories. It’s become so easy these days as the diet industry has created apps that are always in the palm of our hands and can even scan labels!

Often clients will be able to white knuckle their way through a few days of eating low calorie only to find themselves binge eating at the first sign of stress, alone time, or even faced with a dinner they can’t ‘log’. And it can feel like being right back where you started after the initial overeating episode.

Very often it feels scary to let go of counting calories, but doing so can bring you back in-tune with your body in a way you might not have been in years (that is a GREAT thing!). You’ll start to feel biological hunger instead of ignoring your grumbling stomach for too long because you don’t have “any calories left for the day.”

It may even surprise you that you start to think about food less than when you’re counting calories because you’re not trying to fit every bite and lick into your daily calorie allowance.

Feel like you’re ready to dip your toe in? Break it down into manageable pieces that feel good for you. Start with a day or even a meal that you aren’t going to track. If you aren’t fully ready not to take note of what you’re eating, check out our Hunger Check Tool.

Next, consider what you really want to eat. Many clients think they will only eat ice cream and French fries if they give up being so strict with their eating. And that might happen in the beginning—try not to panic! Because you’ve told yourself those foods have been off limit during your diet—sometimes for years!—you are working through giving yourself permission to eat them. Eventually you’ll crave something different!

And be patient with yourself! Dismantling diet culture that has been so ingrained in us is important, but complex work. Just take it one meal at a time.

💛 Your peace awaits.


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