What to do When Someone Comments on Your Weight

Seeing old friends or getting together with extended family can be a cause for celebration—especially after two years of social distancing and lockdown measures. But these situations can also bring feelings of anxiety and failure, you may start thinking “What if they notice I’ve gained weight?”, or even worse “What if they say something about my weight gain?”

It often feels like one’s waistline is open for comment no matter if it has been a weight gain or loss. The problem is that we’re celebrated when we shrink and blamed when we put on weight. Here are a few tips to support your mental health when your faced with unwanted commentary on your body.

Come up with a game plan. Knowing body comments might come up is one thing but being mentally prepared to face them can give you a feeling of confidence. Try tucking affirmations in your wallet, go to the bathroom and text a friend who will support you, schedule a therapy session or alone time after the meeting with family to decompress. Think about what you need to feel supported and confident before, during, and after seeing others.

You don’t have to respond. While sometimes weight-related comments can come from a place of concern and love, that doesn’t mean you have to enter a conversation about your weight. It is your body, and at the end of the day you have control over your diet—and that includes what conversations you “consume”!

But you can shut down the discussion. If you feel comfortable, you can tell the person who made the comment that it was hurtful, critical, and unappreciated. It doesn’t have to blow up into an argument but being honest about how the other person made you feel can free some of the emotions around the topic (leading to less emotional eating) and even set a boundary with them, meaning fewer comments in the future. In fact, you may find you want to cut our diet talk from all your relationships!

No matter how you choose to respond, do what makes you feel comfortable.

💛 Your peace awaits.


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