When Unintentional Weight Loss is Celebrated

As emotional eaters we often think about (and fear) weight gain being noticed by those around us. Even worse: we stress over if they will say anything about it! But emotional eating can also mean a loss of appetite too: stress, anxiety, and depression can feel so all-encompassing that our natural hunger signals are lost in the chaos.

Often, losing a pant size or two can lead to positive comments from family, friends, and even your doctor. But these comments can be just as problematic as ones on weight gain. As a society we uphold thin bodies as the ideal standard for beauty and health, but what is often missing from the discussion is the emotion or illness that can be behind the weight loss. We become torn between the positive comments and the negative feelings that have led to our body’s changes.

While we’ve got some tips for when someone says something about your weight, the added layer of social conditioning—of acceptance of thinness—can create a very different impact. You might find yourself fearing gaining weight or looking for ways to stay miserable to keep losing weight. 

Know that your body size is no one else’s business. Weight gain or weight loss should both go by the same rule: no body comments from nobody! It is more important that you find peace with your body, your mind, and with food. The size of your thighs or the roundness of your belly does not make you a bad person or less worthy of love and acceptance.

💛 Your peace awaits.


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