Articles to help understand and heal emotional eating

5 Tips To Reduce Emotional Eating During COVID-19

strategies stress May 05, 2020

Snacking, snacking, and more snacking! 5 tips to reduce emotional eating during COVID-19.

Do you find yourself walking around the kitchen, opening and closing the fridge or cupboard doors a million times a day hoping a tasty snack will magically appear on the shelves? 

You’re not alone! Millions of people just like you are doing the exact same thing at this very moment. Human beings are wired to seek food and nourishment in times of stress and panic.  We are also wired to seek pleasure in times of emotional pain. This is why you find yourself turning to highly palatable foods like chips, pizza, cookies, or ice cream and saying "fuck-it" to salads and broccoli. 

There's good news! There are things you can start doing today to feel more in control! 


Here Are 5 Tips: 


#1: Before you eat, ask yourself: Am I physically hungry right now?" 

If you answer "yes", your strategy is to eat. What do you feel like eating? A sandwich,...

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