What To Do When the Holiday Season Is Triggering

It can be a difficult time of year for many people. While holiday movies portray happy families and festive get-togethers, it can leave many of us feeling left out if we don’t have the ‘perfect’ holiday experience.

Abuse, loss of a loved one, comments about your weight, divorce, missing loved ones due to Covid-19 restrictions, eating disorders, pressure to drink alcohol, are all situations that can make people uncomfortable and dread the upcoming holiday season.

To make the holiday season a bit more bearable, start with what you can control. You don’t have to say yes to every gathering (even if it is with family). In fact, saying “no” is a great example of setting clear boundaries with others and is a great way to protect your mental health. It can be freeing to not put yourself in a situation you know will be triggering.

And on that note: do some thinking around what might be triggering you. You can talk to someone you trust—or reach out to a professional—or grab your journal and let the words flow. Bringing awareness to how you are feeling might ‘clear the air’ and let you feel more prepared before you have to face a certain person or event. 

For the things you can’t control—the weather, how others will react, what food will be at a party—try deep breathing or stepping away from a situation (bathroom breaks are great for this!). You can even write down a mantra or affirmation to keep in your pocket or purse. A little reminder that you are worthy and are doing your best.

💛 Your peace awaits.


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