5 Powerful Tips for Dressing During the Holidays

As the holiday season gets closer, it seems like invites for family, friend, and work events are rolling in non-stop. And dressing for an event can sometimes feel like putting on the armour before a battle. You consider the weather, if you’ll sweat through a fabric, if your jeans are fresh from the dryer and need to be stretch back out. You might always find yourself reaching for the same clothing items: black and drapey.

But we’re here to encourage you to use your clothing as a way to get a confidence boost! Here are five insightful tips to help you find clothes you love and feel your best in:

Be you, boo! First things first, find out what your personal style is without thinking about how something might look on your body (all black clothing “because it’s slimming” isn’t an option here). Are you called to soft yellows and greys, or do you love a splash of fuchsia against classic navy? While brand websites might feature only thin models, this is actually an area where social media has been positive with more and more “curvy” and “plus size” influencers. We suggest finding a few who have a similar body type and then seeing how outfits work on them as your way to shop!

Go with the flow. With a little trial and error, discover what kind of fabrics work for you. If you hate the stiffness of jeans, don’t wear them. Always worried you’ll sweat through a silk top? Don’t put them in your closet. If you aren’t sure where to start, pick out what tops you feel best in that are currently in your closet. Now, look at the tag on the inside, what is it made from? You might find cotton or viscose allows your body to breath more or that you enjoy pants that have spandex in them.

Bottoms up! When thinking about what we’re going to wear, we often only consider the pieces others are going to see—tops, pants, shoes. But if you’re someone who often feels uncomfortable in their body, researching and investing in undergarments that are closest to your skin is a great way to put you at ease. If you’re feeling comfortable, get measured for the correct bra size (did you know 8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size? Who hasn’t been victimized by a pinching bra!). And don’t underestimate the confidence boost that comes from a matching bra and underwear set!

Snip, snip. Sizing, especially for women’s clothing, is incredibly inconsistent. You may find yourself up and down two or more sizes depending on the store or brand. Remind yourself of this fact the next time a fitting room adventure turns into a self-critical event. Once you’re bought something new and you still find the size tag always catching your eye, cut it out of the garment—it doesn’t define you!

Splurge and save. When testing out new clothing items, it can be good practice to start with cheaper items until you know if you like how a style or cut fits you—then you can choose to invest in the same cut in a longer-wear fabric. But getting ready for holiday events doesn’t have to cost you a fortune either. Check out second hand or thrift stores, consider clothing swaps with friends, or even scour online marketplaces like you would an online clothing store.

As you head out to your holiday event or activity, remember that what you’re wearing doesn’t dictate if you deserve to be there or not. But you can use your clothing as a tool to feel more like yourself, confident and comfortable, wherever you go.

💛 Your peace awaits.


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