7 Compelling Reasons WHY It's Not About The Food

"What do you mean it's not about the food?" Here are 7 Compelling Reasons WHY


Most people believe their struggles with food and weight have to do with FOOD itself.  Before I go any further, the good news is you don’t need another Diet, you don’t need another boot-camp, you don’t need to buy apps that tell you when you should stop eating, you don’t need any of this stuff….bare with me!


You can save yourself thousands of $$$ by addressing the true root cause of why you struggle with food and weight. Think of how much money you’ve already spent on these products and services that lead you right down the rabbit hole, yet AGAIN.


Emotional eating, overeating, and binge eating have NOTHING to do with eating less and exercising more. You can absolutely try these 2 strategies, but often they will FAIL YOU because they don’t lead to long term change…or happiness!


If it’s not about the food, then what is it about?? Here are the ROOT causes for emotional eating: 

  1. SOCIETY: the food industry and the weight loss industry have a HUGE role to play in promoting weight gain and then passing the torch to the weight loss industry
  2. STRESS triggers you to reach for food
  3. UNPLEASANT EMOTIONS like disappointment, resentment, anger, anxiety trigger you to reach for food
  4. HAPPY EMOTIONS like excitement, joy, happiness trigger you to continue to reach for food to keep the “good feelings” going
  5. NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and being self critical trigger you to reach for food.
  6. UNMET EMOTIONAL NEEDS trigger emotional hunger
  7. CHILDHOOD TOXIC/SHAMEFUL MESSAGES about weight, food, eating, your body, and yourself as a person trigger emotional hunger

As you can see, all of the above ROOT causes will NEVER be solved by eating less and exercising more…it's like the old saying "you can't fit a square peg in a round hole". 

You must first recognize WHY emotional eating is happening before you can look at what strategies are needed.


Self-Reflection/Me-Time: What could be some of your ROOT causes driving you to turn to food when you're not physically hungry? 

TIP: Play detective, be curious and don’t judge your “WHY”.  The juice is so worth the squeeze!

Sending awareness your way, 



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