5 Journaling Prompts for Bathing Suit Season

As the weather starts to warm up and sweater and coats are put away for the season, we begin to turn our minds to our summer wardrobe. This can cause a lot of anxiety for those of us who struggle with our body image. We begin to wonder: “Will I still fit in my clothes from last summer?”, “Will I sweat through the fabrics?”, or even “I hated how I felt in those shorts, but they were the only thing that fit.”

Instead of a summer “ready” body, let’s look at getting your mind ready for summer! Here are five journal prompts to use when you’re facing thoughts about your body and how it “fits” into the changing season:

  1. When I feel good in my clothes, what does that physically feel like? What does that mentally feel like? (You may find your body language is more confident or you like the feel of certain fabrics.)
  2. How do I feel about my summer wardrobe? What do I currently have that I like and that I don’t like?
  3. If money weren’t a consideration, what would I add to my summer wardrobe? (Then try and find sales, vintage, or second-hand options that might work! Sometimes even swapping clothes with a friend can feel like a closet refresh.)
  4. What do I dream of doing this summer? (Don’t let your body size limit these ideas! No matter your weight you should experience all the adventures you want at the beach, at the barb-q, or poolside.)
  5. What did I enjoy doing as a kid on summer break that I rarely do anymore? (Remember riding your bike around the neighbourhood or the joy of hearing the ice cream truck coming? Tapping into your childhood joy around summer can help bring some of that feeling back as an adult.)

💛 Your peace awaits.


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